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Sisters are doing it for themselves!

Galio Gal

Updated: May 4, 2022

Women are buying themselves more jewellery, so say a plethora of international researchers.Whether it’s the result of increased female agency, greater economic empowerment, or the ease and temptations of online shopping and social media, the trend is there! In 2018, The De Beers Group identified “the self-purchase trend' as one of the strongest and even Tiffany have had this powerful force at the strategy since 2016. Last year, Lady Gaga celebrated Valentine’s Day by Instagramming a ring she’d bought for herself. “I put this ring on my own finger as a sign of my love for myself and for my fans,” she wrote. And women buying their own fine jewellery – or ‘self-gifting’ – is a movement that stretches far beyond La-la Land.

Self-gifting isn’t restricted to more affordable jewellery, many women are also buying themselves more extravagant things.While traditionally, male customers are concerned with investment potential and ‘getting their money’s worth’, when it comes to self-gifting, women are more focused on how a piece looks and feels, and the emotional connection it evokes.

“I tend to celebrate professional milestones by treating myself to an amazing piece of furniture, but when it comes to birthdays and Christmas, that’s when I add to my jewellery collection,” fashion consultant and all round style icon, Claire Thomson-Jonville, was recently recently reported saying to 'Net-a-porter' “I have pieces that mark the birth of my children. I am really considered with jewellery and I attach a lot of emotion to all my pieces.”

For previous generations, fine jewellery was something women were given, often by men or family members – the preserve of 21st birthdays, engagements and Hallmark occasions. But nowyou don't need a lover or a relative to decide to give youjewelleryas a gift. (Although it's always nice when they do!) If there's a special piece you want to have, you can — andshould— go out andbuy jewelleryforyourself. It can be exciting, empowering, a needed boost after a bad day or a reward for a great one. Jewellery represents our emotions, it is the epitome of the ‘buy less, buy better’ ethos. Diamonds really are forever – treat them right and they will last for generations.

'for me, from me' campaign created by the Diamond Producers Association, USA


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